Monday, July 22, 2013

Thanks to all our sponsors for help making the CHEAPO CHOP OFF the place to be AUG 31st!

here is a list of all our RAD sponsors (so far) , wish I could enter to win! go to
for all details



Sunday, July 21, 2013

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

F=U's new 1977 yamaha dt100

just got this little beauty today for the cheapo chop off up here in Eugene ,OR the last weekend in AUG. lots of great sponsors , getting closer so I need to get started.

minibikes=FUn !

going to get this little beauty running for people to play around on at our CHEAPO-CHOP OFF

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

sleeping with the rattle snakes

I think this is my favorite pic Steffan took on our trip. we set up at midnight and woke up about 5am. some old local guy pulls up in his truck and says that we were brave for staying near the dry creek bed which is home to lots of rattlers! They just caught 5 just a few days before we were there. We didn't see any though. but I did have a snake bite kit in first aid pack,glad we didn't have to use it!

Here's the scoop! Starting Friday night Aug 30th were all heading down to 86548 Lorane Hwy Eugene Oregon for a weekend camp out!

There's gonna be the Cheap-0 Chop Off with 200cc and smaller bike. Build something cool without spending money on it and thrash on it in the dirt all weekend. All Bikes are welcome to show up and participate you just wont qualify for the cheap-o chop off prize!

Theres also gonna be a raffle, lots of bike games, camping, and anything else we decide to pull off.

Its a camp out so bring all your gear you need to survive (ie. tents, toilet paper, taste beverages, food if your not gonna buy food tickets.....)

If you want to be fed the whole time we are selling tickets. $50 get you Breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Saturday and Breakfast and lunch for Sunday. There will also be some "Adult Beverages" for ticket buyers but if your the thirsty type you sill might want to bring reserves.
all money goes back into event for more cool stuff so no refunds if ya can't make it. Hope to see ya all there!

Zombie Underground CHEAP-O CHOP OFF !