Monday, November 18, 2013

Escape to Hazzard County 2 PARTY OF THE YEAR ! in review

I actually managed to get pictures with all the fun I was having so here they are... party of the year! A HUGE thanks to LADYHUMP , GASSER LOUNGE , FARTBARF , CURLY WOLF and all the sponsors and helpers for making this a memorable event for the ages! (events and pics not in order as happened )

the calm before the storm

Mikey B , Greg and Mike working hard

camping next to the LadyHump

hey Mike, where did all the breakfast go? 

 Heavy Meatle CHuck's bike

Mike Torres" Beast

Kit's awesome paint jobs!

chili cups

branding leather was a blast!

Curly Wolf !!!

Ladies and Neanderthals welcome to the stage ... FARTBARF !!!!!!!!!

can't wait till next year...